Thursday, 11 August 2011

Bit of a rest day today, I am staying at Joan’s family cottage on lake Erie, (in the last blog I called it Lake Eire, so little correction there.)   It is just down from a settlement called Eireau, population 423.  It’s a really nice spot and the weather is great.   I woke up in the morning and had some breakfast then mucked about the house for a while.  Rob and I then went for a drive down to check out this lake/swamp area, and then went to the “Eau Buoy” (Eau is French for water, and you can figure out the rest ha ha).  We had a spot of lunch there, as they have a wireless internet network available, and we needed to check e-mails, write blogs etc.   We had a nice lunch, the food is not amazing, but the atmosphere is pretty cool.
We then came back to the cottage and I sat in the sun for the afternoon and read my book (Life – by Keith Richards).  I had an afternoon nap and then got up and did some more sitting in the sun and reading.  It has been really nice to just chill out and recharge the batteries – and oh…… the Serenity!  Rob cooked some steaks on the BBQ for dinner and then we went back to the Eau Buoy, for an ice-cream and more of an internet fix.
We then came back to the cottage, and mucked about, watched some TV, and went to bed.  So not a lot to report today really – other than life is good, feeling relaxed and looking forward to tomorrow.  We are going to check out some of the places Joan grew up, meet a few of her friends and family from around the area, and eat food I guess.  Will let you know how it all goes tomorrow.  Cheers everyone, stay well.

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