Thursday, 25 August 2011

Get me out of Vegas - Bring on L.A

Not a lot to report today, but I’m back into the evening blog buzz so might as well knock one out.  Woke up this morning and packed up my luggage and stuff, then I walked around the MGM to try and kill some time, but frankly I was a little over Vegas by this stage, sick of the heat and keen to get the hell out of there.  My flight was at 3.40pm by I had access to the Gold lounge on this leg of my trip so I decided I would go over at midday and just hang out there and use their internet and stuff.  So I checked in nice and early only to discover that the gold lounge had been closed because it was outside the security area and they have not yet built a new one – Bugger.  So I went through security and found a power point and spent a few hours trying to get my photos into some sort of order, which was a lot more difficult than I imagined as they are all over the place, they are slightly better now though.   We then boarded the plane and were waiting to take off when they announced that there was some sort of mechanical problem and they would let us know if they could fix it quickly or if they would need us to change planes.  Fortunately they managed to fix it quickly which was a blessing, and the flight is only about 50 minutes to LA so I was on the ground and had my bags by around 5.30pm.  I found a shuttle service and got a trip to my hotel in town for $16 which was a pretty sweet deal as the trip took close to an hour.  By the time I had checked in and everything it was almost 7pm. I talked to the service desk, well did my best to express myself as the woman did not speak much English, however, I have booked a tour of LA tomorrow and a tour of stars homes.   LA is absolutely huge and I have no idea where I am, so I decided to stay in and have a meal at the Japanese restaurant at the hotel, which was awesome. 

 I am staying at the Miyako Hotel, and the room is really nice, very cosy and has a massive TV, so I figured I would have a bit of a night in tonight, (especially as I am doing the tours tomorrow and it will be a full on day).  I don’t usually like the bus tour kind of buzz,(I prefer missioning around on foot) but LA is so immense I figured it was the way to go to try and fit everything in, since I’m only here for a couple of days.  After dinner I popped downstairs for a cigarette and a woman came over and was having one too, turns out she is Australian and has been here for a week, with her family (another primo stroke of luck).  She did the exact same tours I am booked for tomorrow and said that they were great and gave me some advice about the neighbourhood and where to catch trains and where to avoid and stuff, which was really helpful.  I asked her if she knew of any toy shops, as I have left shopping for my Godson to the last minute, and she asked all about his age and gave me a few tips – she said that at the worst case scenario I will be able to find heaps at Disney land as there is a whole area dedicated to Buzz Lightyear, I told her I am looking for Transformers things and she suggested another store that is not far away – so I should be sweet.   So that was the day today – pretty low key, lots of time in transit, but I’m excited to be in LA and looking forward to a big day tomorrow.  So far I am especially enjoying the temperature as it is more like a NZ summer, which is way more pleasant than walking around like you’re constantly in cased in a sauna.  The other thing is the size of the place – its just houses and buildings as far as the eye can see, it’s pretty amazing, will be good driving around a whole bunch of places.   So one more week to go, I am really looking forward to it, but also getting a little jaded and starting to miss home a little bit.  Chur Chur Whanau. (Oh by the way, the toilet in my hotel room has a console with seat warmer and bidet – a surprisingly good new experience ha ha)

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